liparops photo

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Mon Jan 7 22:30:12 EST 2002

The original 1833 Boisduval and Leconte figure of  S. liparops (Striped
hairstreak) is now posted in the leps-talk photos gallery.  Next to this is
the original figure of J. coenia (Buckeye) from Heubner 1822.  These two
sets of pictures demonstrate 1) how good of an artist John Abbot was as the
Buckeye picture is an Abbot original while 2) the B & L figure is an almost
cartoonish copy of an Abbot figure produced by hired painters in Europe by
B & L in their commercial book production.  (One needs to have a Yahoo ID
and be a TILS-leps-talk listserve member to view these .)

The liparops photo is posted relative to the ongoing leps-talk discussion
on ismeria / nycteis.  Just as the B & L liparops figure only abstractly
(at best) represents that known living organism, so the ismeria figure
(from the same publication) only fictitiously depicts that known living

Ron Gatrelle

PS  My paper on ismeria is free for the asking. Just email me personally
and ask for it and I will send it (TTR 1:2   in PDF format.


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