
Dr. James Adams jadams at
Wed Jan 9 13:00:46 EST 2002


         Sounds like you are on track to me.  I'm not sure if or how many 
studies have been done on resistance of dermestid eggs to freezing, but to 
get all invaders it might take longer than three days.  I've had mixed 
results with Vapona, though it does seem to kill the other invaders (eg. 
psocids).  PDB is great but comes with some increased health 
risks(!).  Naphthalene appears to be a reasonable preventative, but is 
*not* a curative.  I've never been able to solve an infestation by 
introducing naphthalene.

         There is another method I have used to save specimens, and for 
that matter add protection to empty drawers before I put specimens in 
them.  There is a spray in stores used to protect clothing from Clothes 
Moths infestations -- I believe its called SLA.  Spraying empty drawers 
with this stuff seems to work well, and you can even spray the stuff on 
specimens.  It will make them look a bit greasy for a while, but it usually 
volatilizes away.  I would *not* use it on anything green, and you may 
occasionally have to degrease a specimen afterwards.


James K. Adams
Phone: (706)272-4427
FAX:  (706)272-2235
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