Glassberg tells reporters collectors "could wipe out" the Mia mi Blue

Heath, Fred Fred.Heath at
Thu Jan 10 11:26:54 EST 2002

Dear Paul,
	Thank you. Just so that I am completely clear: Glassberg did not say
that (or imply) that the current situation was caused in any way by
collectors.  And thus to answer is no to my precise (we do want to be
precise as well as factual, don't we?) question whether Glassberg said the
"demise was partially the fault of collectors". As you've noted, Glassberg
does bring up the "possibility" that in the future irresponsible (my word)
collecting could wipe out the population. 
	On the topic of irresponsible collecting, I note in another e-mail
you use the "expert" testimony of Tom Kral (the felon convicted of butterfly
poaching) to point out that no butterfly has ever been wiped out by
collecting. Maybe it could never happen and we've been down that road a
number of times with this group, but I think a rational person could see
that a fairly small localized colony could possibly be driven extinct by a
determined and totally irresponsible individual. 
----Best regards, Fred

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Paul Cherubini [SMTP:monarch at]
	Sent:	Wednesday, January 09, 2002 5:12 PM
	To:	leps-l at
	Subject:	Glassberg tells reporters collectors "could wipe
out" the Miami Blue

	Heath, Fred wrote:
	> Dear Leroy,
	>         After reading the abbreviated version mentioned below, I
could find
	> nothing that says that the 
	> Was this mentioned in the full article or has there been some
	> between the lines on your part?
	> ---Best regards, Fred

	Fred, here are snips from the full article
	(Oh yes I fully expect someone will say Glassberg was quoted
	out of context)

	Paul Cherubini
	For Glassberg, every day that ticks by increases his fear
	that the butterfly will be gone forever.

	"It's hard to imagine more of an emergency situation,'' he said. 
	"The only known colony in the U.S. is this small place in the 
	Keys, faced with all sorts of possible threats: hurricanes, 
	butterfly collectors, mosquito spraying. Any
	of those could wipe the Miami Blue out.''


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