degreasing/green coloration
Guy Van de Poel & A. Kalus
Guy_VdP at
Fri Jan 11 17:10:28 EST 2002
I asked the same question some time ago, no answers.
It looks to me like P. rapae and brassicae are much more susceptible to this
than the species from the napi group (venosa, oleracea, virginiensis,
melete, bryoniae, ...).
I also noticed it on Gonepteryx species, especially the females.
If there is a cure to this, I would surely like to hear about it.
----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Worth <rworth at>
To: <jadams at>; <leps-l at>
Sent: vrijdag 11 januari 2002 19:15
Subject: Re: degreasing
> Hey group,
> Speaking of green coloration, does anyone know what that blue-green
> staining is that you sometimes get on Pierids when you try to relax
> them? I've seen it in both those that were relaxed in glassine
> envelopes and those not. I originally thought it was something in
> the envelopes but maybe not. I never see it until relaxing begins.
> Is there a remedy?
> Cheers, Rich
> >Listers,
> >
> >Acetone also works well. Indeed, any decent (non-colored) lipid solvent
> > should work. I've heard a number of people use xylene.
> >
> > ONe thing: you cannot retrieve the green color in any stained green
> >colored
> > leps, at least not in my experience.
> >
> > James
> Richard A. Worth
> Oregon Department of Agriculture
> Plant Division
> rworth at
> (503) 986-6461
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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Guy Van de Poel
Guy_VdP at
Royal Entomological Society of Antwerp
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