# 186

Leptraps at aol.com Leptraps at aol.com
Mon Jan 14 13:59:31 EST 2002

In a message dated 14-Jan-02 10:50:23 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
jadams at em.daltonstate.edu writes:

> At 03:01 PM 1/12/02 -0500, Ron wrote:
> >2)  "My thought" for a long time has been that this list is way under used.
> >I would think that 1 post a week would be low - that would put everyone at
> >a 27 post minimum over 6 months.  If we get bogged down in some dead
> >subject a times could it possibly be because the more interesting ones are
> >just not being posted?
> Ron may think this list is underused, and he may be correct, however, it is 
> also clear to me that many of us do not have as much free time as 
> Ron!!  (Sorry, Ron, I couldn't help myself!)
> James K. Adams
> Phone: (706)272-4427
> FAX:  (706)272-2235
> Visit the Georgia Lepidoptera Website:
>     www.daltonstate.edu/galeps/

I could not help myself, I could not miss a shot like this.

Ron is a preacher an if you give any preacher a pulpit and away he goes. Non 
are short winded, not even Ron!


Leroy C. Koehn
202 Redding Road
Georgetown, Kentucky
USA          40324-2622
Tele.: 502-570-9123
Cell: 502-803-5422
E-mail: Leptraps at aol.com

"Let's get among them"
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