Vanessa at night
Anne Kilmer
viceroy at
Mon Jan 21 08:19:12 EST 2002
Paul Cherubini wrote:
> Niklas Wahlberg wrote:
>>Yep, on warm starry nights with a full moon. How many moths have you
>>identified to species, genus, family, without an artificial light after the
>>sun has gone down? How many moths have you seen actually flying without any
>>source of artificial light?
> I have about 200 butterfly bushes (Buddleia davidii) in my rural backyard
> in northern California. On warm, full moon nights in summer I have no
> trouble seeing moths nectaring on these flowers without using a flashlight.
> True, I have to catch the moths to ID them.
> Likewise out in the remote Nevada desert, far from human civilization,
> I find it easy to see moths nectaring on Rabbitbrush flowers on warm moonlit
> nights. I've never seen any butterflies nectaring or flying at night (away from
> artificial light sources) 30 minutes or more after sunset.
> Paul
So you reckon that, wafted by a hurricane, Monarchs, for instance, quit
flying when the lights go out? I bet not. Would you? Windsurfing; Wow!
They do show up in the British Isles, and have been recorded, often,
after hurricanes. (Neil can substantiate this, as can Trevor.)
It is not possible to prove a negative.
How many people are out looking for butterflies at night, would
recognize a Vanessa even in bright light, high up among tree tops, would
care, and would think it worthy of mentioning?
What are the odds that the few of you would happen to be looking when a
Vanessa passed by? ;-)
As for nectaring, the butterflies and their flowers have a deal; neither
of them works when the sun ain't shining. No sun, no nectar.
The folks who want moths offer nectar (and perfume) in the evening, when
the moths are out. Amazing, the works of Mother Nature.
If a scientist cares to put this into science-speak, by all means go for
I have watched the workers at Butterfly World shaking the bushes, on
cloudy days, to keep the butterflies flying. The butterflies know better.
This is common knowledge, for Heaven's sake.
Anne Kilmer,
Kaos Consulting Services
South Florida
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