Glassberg and Field Trips
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
hankb at
Thu Jan 24 10:58:21 EST 2002
Robert Kriegel wrote:
> In response to Paul's comments Hank wrote:
> >And it also does not mean that NABA members are forbidden to collect. MANY
> >DO!!! Our field trips tend to contain 15 to 20 people. Imagine what would
> happen if
> >all those folks started waving nets around. IT WOULD NOT WORK!!!
> As a teaching assistant in several undergraduate and graduate level
> entomology courses we regularly took this many, or more people into the
> field and _required_ them to wave nets around and collect. At various
> times such field laboratory sessions focused on butterflies, moths, aquatic
> insects, even immatures. Even in introductory level undergraduate courses
> it worked quite well. Although, I suspect some students did not fully
> appreciate the unique learning experience provided by Dr. Fred Stehr's
> 'roadkill' excursions for immature Coleoptera and Diptera!
Bob -
I have also been on University field trips with the U of A and others.
Those are a whole different animal than the kind of trip we lead, and
each has its purpose. Our trips are more like birding trips. We spot a
butterfly and point it out and identify it (or ask others if they can
identify it). Everyone looks at it through close focus (preferably)
binoculars and we try to describe the marks that make this creature
different from other similar species in the area. After most of the
group has seen the insect, those with cameras try to stalk and
photograph it.
This is very different than sending folks out with nets to catch and
bring back specimens (live of dead) to the group for identification.
Each type of trip has its place and its purpose. Our field trips have
the ability to involve all types people, no matter what their age or
physical condition. If you can walk and see, you can butterfly.
Butterflies, like birds, and very suitable to this type of activity.
Usually we also try to point out plants, birds, and other life forms
that are around.
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
Send Mailto:hankb at
SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association
"Butterflies of Arizona - a Photographic Guide"
by Bob Stewart, Priscilla and Hank Brodkin
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