
Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Thu Jan 24 17:57:45 EST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Walker" <MWalker at>
To: "'Hank & Priscilla Brodkin'" <hankb at>
Cc: "'lepsl'" <leps-l at>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 4:24 PM
Subject: RE: Glassberg


> Anyway, I'm tickled pink that you've got a net handy - you need it where
> live.  I also understand why someone may not ever have a desire to swing
> such a net.  As I've said before - even I enjoy watching butterflies more
> than I do killing them.
> Mark Walker

Actually, what Mark said is not true.  He misspoke.  He does not "enjoy"
killing butterflies _at all_.   In fact I don't know of _any_
lepidopterist/collector that derives joy from killing a butterfly or moth.
The collectors "thrill" is exactly the same as the watchers or
photographers.  It is the thrill of finding and seeing such wonderful and
beautiful creatures.  The watcher takes home some great memories, the
photographer a few prize photos, and the collector a few specimens.
Believe me, collectors do not like seeing little antennae twinge or legs
kick.  One might say we are in denial - but we "get it over with" as
quickly as possible.  In fact there are some sad moments when we collectors
see the job was not done right.  No there is _no_ joy in killing them.
There is joy in opening a drawer containing a life time of memories
preserved in photos or specimens.



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