animal torture for pleasure

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Fri Jan 25 19:06:09 EST 2002

Norbert is quite right about this issue. These anti-collecting people are 
"animal-rights activists". In other branches of science, animal-rights 
activist supporters have taken the law into their own hands and perpetrated 
acts of terrorism in the name of animal rights. Usually they do not blow up 
labs, but they do destroy equipment (as Leroy knows), and they do release 
captive animals as my daughter discovered when she employed one to assist 
her in her Masters research.
    We may laugh at the anti-intellectual antics of these animal-rights 
activists when they posture and publicise their agendas. It is no laughing 
matter when they fund slick publicity machines that invade the education 
enterprise, and support plants who are sympathetic to their views, in our 
regulatory agencies.
    Beware, as the World gets smaller (more people per hectare), it gets 
more and more political and the lunatic fringe becomes uncomfortably large. 
Speak up now, before it is too late.
................Chris Durden

At 02:37 PM 1/25/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>This topic kinda reminds me of that infamous piece of yellow journalism
>published in Audubon Magazine a few years back by a guy called Williams, if
>memory serves. He did a great job of villifying butterfly collectors and
>even went so far as putting us in the same league as the villian in the
>movie Silence of the Lambs. Ron is very correct. Watch out for those people
>who seek to impose their views and morals on the rest of us with fanatical
>determination. Some of them are very slick operators/snake-oil salesmen :-)


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