killing butterflies for fun???

Bob Parcelles,Jr. rjparcelles at
Wed Jul 3 09:47:53 EDT 2002

--- Paul Cherubini <monarch at> wrote:
> James (sic) Sugar wrote 5-9-02:
> > Non consumptive wildlife viewing is the most practical and
> > ETHICAL!! way of  enjoying the outdoors.  I sure hope you don't
> > teach your children that it is all right to murder innocent
> > butterflies.  If you do, then how do you teach them where to 
> > draw the line?  Hmmm?
> This past week I was shocked to observe a 10 year old boy and his
> sister hunting and killing wildlife for fun in Yosemite National 
> Park while the parents looked on approvingly:
> Likewise along the West Fork of the Carson River in
> the Sierra Nevada Mountains I saw a young teenager
> also hunting and killing for fun in full view of adults:
> Since the parents of these children have taught them
> it is all right to murder innocent fish how will they ever
> teach them where to draw the line? Hmmm?
> Paul Cherubini
> Placerville, Calif.


Parents like that deserve to be sent to Afganistan or even the left
bank. i bet they even were for butterflys for peace.

You and the famous Joe( see Joe I remembered your name, sweety) Sugar
as well as your good buddy Dr. Jeff G. have made a believer in me. I
have 150 rods and reels and 30 tackle boxes for sale cheap. My only
redeeming grace is the 35 national and regional "catch and release"
tournaments I particpated in. My winnings must go to charity and I
must quit meat and eat veggies only. But I hear that the NAFAPWS
(North American Flower and Plant Watching Society is for the
non-consumptive use of plant life. I asked what about the children? 
Won't they starve? Their founder and 
and president, Dr. Gomer Iceberg, told me to let them "eat cake".
Hmmmm! He is not so smart cake comes from wheat which is a plant. But
he would not know that because he does not listen to botanists and
agro scientists because they collect and breed plants. He read about
the plan to save the Cinncinatti Blue Ragweed and said we were
collectors and breeders and amateurs at that. He also said we were
underfunded, imagine saying such a thing.

What's a hungry guy to do!


PS 1: Paul it is nice to see you finally come around and help get rid
of lepidoptery, fishing and botany and all those other scientific
things, thank you. You are ever vigilant. Now send Ron a big check
for the Miami Blue!

PS 2: Some said last week that I wish Bob would not make so many
typos, he tells good stuff but he is embarassing because he makes
typos. Well I am week from no food! Send ME money for more vitamins.

Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates & Clean Millennium Movement (C2M)
rjparcelles at
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- Norman Vincent Peale

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