killing butterflies for fun???

Dale Roberts/Bill Yule droberts03 at SNET.Net
Sat Jul 6 22:19:48 EDT 2002

Well it just goes on and on doesn't it?  JH is right, it is a conversation
among deaf people.  I'm one of the people who belong to the clade that
believes that Joesph Sugar is the puppet/troll of a member of the list who
enjoys throwing intellectual hand grenades into quiet rooms and then steps
back to drink in the confusion.  The puppet-master is only feeding on the
emotion that is stirred up, the more the better, and once the wounded and
bewildered victims begin to sort things out ...toss another grenade...
      Speaking strictly for myself, I'm just here for the butterflies.

Bill Yule
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Cherubini" <monarch at>
To: <leps-l at>
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: killing butterflies for fun???

> Neil Jones wrote:
> > Paul Cherubini has dug out a weeks old posting just to stir
> > things up again.
> No, I was just driving through Yosemite National Park on June 29
> looking for milkweed and monarchs and happened to see these
> kids with a fishing pole and fishing net.
> The scene reminded me of the Joseph Sugar killing for fun discussions.
> I saw other things of interest as well. Like forests of lodgepole
> and ponderosa pine growing on the sheer granite slopes of Yosemite's
> mountains:
> Conservationists are constantly preaching how "fragile" alpine and
> boreal forest are and how logging fosters erosion and depletes the
> soil nutrients of critical nutrients the trees need to survive.
> But the pictures made me wonder if that claim might be a tad
> exaggerated.
> Paul Cherubini
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