White Admirals

Martin Bailey cmbb at sk.sympatico.ca
Thu Jul 11 18:48:14 EDT 2002

Dear Alex,

I have been quite sick from gastric-enteritis.  So I have had little energy
to do anything.  It, therefore, was quite a pleasant surprise to find a L.
rubrofasciata  lurking in the junipers outside my front door.  I ran back
inside and grabbed a spare net.  ( I leave my favourite one in my vehicle.)

Problem.  Whenever I go to Vancouver, B.C. I stay at a friend's place.  He
is homo-sexual.  What is your position on fellow travellers?  Straight
people such as myself who have gay friends.  Do you still want the specimen,
or would you prefer I let it go?


p.s. The friend is a pathologist.  Needless to say, he is an expert on human


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