Bob Parcelles,Jr.
rjparcelles at
Thu Jul 18 20:13:27 EDT 2002
Rise to the occaision Joe Sugar (Sweety)!
Sorry, the devil made me do it.
--- Ron Gatrelle <gatrelle at> wrote:
> Pat wrote:
> I know what you mean. Just imagine having to spend any time at all
> with
> Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Socrates, Gautama or Jesus!
> Their
> tediuous insistence on tolerance just goes way beyond what anyone
> should
> have to take.
> ________________________
> Jesus was forgiving yes, tolerant no. He claimed to be the _only_
> way,
> truth, and life. He also stated to his fellow Jews (and the world)
> in John
> 8:24 that unless one believed that he was God they would "die in
> their
> sins" - go to hell. He went even further in that section by saying
> in
> verse 47 that if anyone is truly of God they will hear (believe and
> follow)
> his treachings, and that those who do not, thereby demonstrate that
> they
> are
> not of God. Not preaching here just setting the record straight.
> Jesus
> was either a liar, a lunatic, or who he said he was. He was a
> fanatic.
> Which is why the religious and political power-that-be of his day
> put him
> to death.
> Now, if someone stated that Jesus never addressed homosexuality
> directly
> (pro or con) they would be correct. He did so only indirectly by
> references to the Mosaic law, which was, to say the least, not kind
> (tolerant) to that activity.
> As a leps list we all know this thread is way off topic, but one
> thing
> lacking in these responses is homosexual input of those of this
> orientation, drives, and fetishes. So far all I have seen are
> heterosexuals talking about it. Now, I am not saying this should
> continue
> here. I think it has gone far enough. I am saying that to
> adequately
> address this subject matter it would take a whole lot of space and
> posting
> by folks who _are_ AND _have been_ in that lifestyle. As tempted
> as I am
> to solicit more on
> this I suggest we all just let it go. Find another list serve for
> this one
> (and not TILS-leps-talk :-).
> Ron Gatrelle
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