
Simon Coombes simon at
Sun Jun 23 15:00:17 EDT 2002


I was going to the Indian Himalaya in two weeks time. The Kashmir situation
has meant a diversion. I'm now going to Venezuela in two weeks time. There
are a couple of questions, if anyone could help that would be great.

It is rainy season I believe, but still butterflies to be found I guess. I'm
visiting some rain/cloud forest, people say it is dark and very humid/wet.
Will this damage my camera? (A Canon EOS type), will I have to use faster
film, not my usual Velvia 50? Will I have to use a flash (don't like them
personally)? Anyone have knowledge of the country, and would like to glance
over my itinerary?

Any help would be great.


Simon Coombes
1 Park Street, Plymouth, PL3 4BL, UK
01752 607854


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