California Nuts! and Monarch's Rest

Monarchrst at Monarchrst at
Thu Mar 7 18:37:39 EST 2002

Yes Mark, we do intend to have a butterfly and critter house as part of our 
restaurant and brewpub, but it will be a couple of years away yet - it will 
take that time to build the capital to get it underway.  By the way, many 
thanks for the promotion.  It was very nice to meet you here after having 
heard you've driven through on Interstate 8 several times before you knew we 
were here.

You are also right in that I have recorded many unknown micros here in the 
desert and it will take me many years (or decades) to sort them all out when 
I retire (again).  I retired from agricultural research 2 years ago, and now 
taking on the brewpub and restaurant has opened many new avenues.  However, 
it doesn't look like there will be much time for "little bugs" for a while, I 
am too busy sorting out all the other big bugs inherent in opening a new 

Any lepsters, come on in when you are passing, I am here most of the time.  
By the way, in a few days we will have an example of the multitailed 
swallowtail mounted and in a display case on the wall.  It was recently 
appointed as the State Butterfly for Arizona.  The case will also have 
mounted inside the proclamation made by Senator Gunther when the adoption was 
approved.  We will be one of the few places in the State where an example of 
the so-honored butterfly will be available for public viewing.

Ian Watkinson, Monarch's Rest, Yuma, Arizona.


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