anonymous mailing

Patrick Foley patfoley at
Thu Mar 21 14:28:23 EST 2002

Dear Lepsters,

I would like to be the first to deny that I am Paul Cherubini.

I still suspect that Paul Cherubini is the dark side of Paul Ehrlich, but I
am afraid to make the assertion due to the possibility of a defamation suit.
But from whom?

Patrick Foley

Robert Dana wrote:

> The front of the card has in large type: "The audacity of a crooked
> bunch: Deception while always pointing a finger at someone else."
> The message on the reverse addresses the alleged activities of "Paul
> Cherubini of 4857 Summit View Drive . . ." [rest of address is given,
> plus phone number]. It says that he "boasts" of the use "of more than
> 100 alias internet identities to dupe and harass Ph.D. scientists . . ."
> and goes on to list about 17 of these. It concludes that "it is widely
> known that many of the signatures appearing on the online petition to
> stop the USDA's regulation of butterfly transfers . . . are identities
> that belong to Mr. Cherubini, a poison salesman and wonderful human
> being."
> That's it.
> *************************************************************
> Robert Dana, Ph.D.
> Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program
> 500 Lafayette Rd, Box 25
> St. Paul, MN 55155
> 651 297-2367
> Email: robert.dana at
> *************************************************************
> >>> Ron Gatrelle <gatrelle at> 3/21/02 12:04:09 PM >>>
> Robert - I have some honest questions.
> What is the actual text of this post card?  Can you relay it to us?
> Does the card say "alleged" in relation to the purported activity of
> Paul?
> In fact does it say "Paul Cherubini" or just "Cherubini" (there are
> probably lots of Cherubinis in this world).  If it says things about
> him
> specifically and as facts, this would surely constitute defamation,
> slander, and liable.  It might also come under some type of postal
> (federal) criminal act.  Some misuse of the mails to spread fraudulent
> information.
> Does the card spell out what the harrassment is - of what nature?
> I too find it odd that the card is anonymous.  I would think that even
> Paul's detractors would agree that the accusation does not fit Paul's
> MO.
> He is about as up-front as one gets.
> Ron
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Robert Dana" <robert.dana at>
> To: <leps-l at>
> Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 12:16 PM
> Subject: anonymous mailing
> > To members of the list:
> > I received in the (real) mail this morning a large yellow postcard
> > regarding Mr. Cherubini and his alleged deceptions involving the use
> of
> > various internet identities to harrass "Ph. D. scientists".
> > The card does not call for the recipient to DO anything, so I am not
> > sure what its purpose is. But surprisingly for a message warning of
> > deception this provides no information about the identity of is
> author.
> > The postmark is "Columbia P&DF MO"
> >
> > Does anyone have any additional information about this mailing?
> >
> >
> >
> > *************************************************************
> > Robert Dana, Ph.D.
> > MN DNR
> > Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program
> > 500 Lafayette Rd, Box 25
> > St. Paul, MN 55155
> > 651 297-2367
> > Email: robert.dana at
> > *************************************************************
> >
> >
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