Latin texts --online!

Eric H. Metzler spruance at
Fri Mar 22 15:45:12 EST 2002

Jacob Hubner publised a lot of text.  A complete guide to Hubner's 
writing was compiled by Hemming and is excellent reading for someone who 
needs to know the facts about Hubner's writing.

Jorge Bizarro wrote:

> No sir, Hubner actually didn't published text, only plates!
> The Index in the series Samm. Exot.Schmett. is by Carl Geyer and the text of
> the reedition by Kirby. (see Lamas et al. Atlas of neotropical lepidoptera,
> Vol. 124: Bibliography of Butterflies)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Niklas Wahlberg" <Niklas.Wahlberg at>
> To: "leps list" <leps-l at>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 6:03 AM
> Subject: Fwd: Latin texts --online!
>>     Some of you may be interested in the "oldy-mouldies" (as Norbert has
>>put it) that are available from the web-site below. I quickly looked
>>through it and found at least the texts of Linnaeus (including Systema
>>naturae) and J. C. Fabricius (the one who gave many butterflies their
>>names), but couldn't find texts of e.g. Huebner (perhaps he didn't publish
>>in latin?).
>>>X-From_: owner-taxacom at USOBI.ORG  Mon Mar 18 20:58:54 2002
>>>X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
>>>Date:         Mon, 18 Mar 2002 13:54:54 -0600
>>>Reply-To: Carmen Ulloa <carmen.ulloa at MOBOT.ORG>
>>>Sender: Taxacom Discussion List <TAXACOM at USOBI.ORG>
>>>From: Carmen Ulloa <carmen.ulloa at MOBOT.ORG>
>>>Subject:      Latin texts --online!
>>>A colleague at the Garden, Randy Evans, has stumbled across this website
>>>(may be some of you already knew it).  Downloadable at
>>> is practically every significant
>>>historic text published in Latin since the 14th century.  This includes,
> for
>>>example, all things Linnaeus (e.g., Species Plantarum), HBK ( e.g., Nova
>>>Genera & Species Plantarum), De Candolle (e.g, the entire Prodromus),
>>>Martius (e.g, the entire Flora Brasiliensis), and such pre-Linnaean name
>>>sources as Tourneforte's "Institutiones rei herbariae."
>>>Carmen Ulloa Ulloa
>>Niklas Wahlberg
>>Department of Zoology
>>Stockholm University
>>S-106 91 Stockholm
>>Phone: +46 8 164047
>>Fax:   +46 8 167715
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