- there be bugzz !!

Dr. James Adams jadams at em.daltonstate.edu
Mon Mar 25 13:42:30 EST 2002

Norbert wrote:

 >Unless our friends on Vancouver Island or the banana belt of extreme
 >southern Ontario make a liar out of me; I claim bragging rights for the
 >first real sign of spring for Canada :-). Was out briefly yesterday and saw
 >N. milberti and N. californica at and near Trail, BC --

I hate to take issue with Norbert, as I certainly more often than not agree 
with him, but the butterflies he lists are both adult hibernators and so 
technically could be seen on any unusually warm day during the winter -- as 
such, I'm not sure you can claim this as a *real* sign of spring.  But it 
is always nice to see the butterflies flying, and it *does* indicate warmth 
at least!

James K. Adams
Phone: (706)272-4427
FAX:  (706)272-2235
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