Common Names update

Clay Taylor CTaylor at
Fri Mar 29 08:42:50 EST 2002

All -

    While I basically agree with Mike's statement, there IS a glimmer of
hope.  IF the establishment of common names for butterfly sub-species can
make it into  POPULAR PRINT (say for instance, the upcoming Kaufman guide),
then the general butterflying public may well start to use those names in
everyday conversation.

    Otherwise, the efforts of Ron G. et al. might just be preaching to the
choir.  Will I resolve to scribble the "new" names into the margins of my
Pyle, Opler and Glassberg books? Certainly.   Will it get done?  Probably
not.   Heck, I can't even keep my bird and butterfly life-lists up to date.

    Sorry, Ron, just telling it like it is.

Clay Taylor
Moodus, CT
ctaylor at

PS - I am NOT suggesting that Kenn Kaufman is planning to publish common
names for sub-species - that simply was the first book that popped into mind
as I composed this message.  CT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Quinn" <ento at>
To: "Leps-L" <LEPS-L at>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 9:54 PM
Subject: RE: Common Names update

> Ron, Most people on this list probably know that I regularly give
> at the alter of common names, but I gotta tell ya that I truly believe
> your efforts to put common names on subspecies is basically a waste of
> time... Mike Quinn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ron Gatrelle
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 7:27 AM
> To: TILS group; Leps-l; Southwest Leps
> Subject: Common Names update
> The "final" version of the Swallowtails/Parnassians and Whites/Sulphurs
> sections on the SC-NABN have been loaded (
> ).
> <s>
> Ron Gatrelle
> SC-NABN Compiler
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
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