Vanessa Butterfly Migration Project; Request for Red Admiral, Painted Lady Sightings
Joel Lyons
jrlyons at
Fri Mar 29 20:44:03 EST 2002
YayyyYYY, something OTHER than
Monarchs, count me in!
Heh heh,
Royce J Bitzer wrote:
> Leps-L Members,
> This message is to announce the start of the 2002 _Vanessa_ Butterfly
> Migration Project. In a way similar to Journey North's Monarch tracking,
> we will be mapping migration and seasonal distribution of four _Vanessa_
> butterflies in North America:
> Red Admiral (_Vanessa atalanta_)
> Painted Lady (_Vanessa cardui_)
> American Lady (_Vanessa virginiensis_)
> West Coast Lady (_Vanessa annabella_)
> 1. We are looking for observers to tell us the first date that they
> see (or have seen) any of these butterflies in their area, and the numbers
> seen that day. If the butterfly was a permanent winter resident in your
> area this year, please tell us likewise.
> 2. If there are noticeable directional migrations of these species
> this year, we would appreciate your reports of these migrations.
> 3. Reports of presence or abundance of these butterflies later in the
> season are also welcome. We encourage multiple observations from the same
> region.
> Please include your full name, e-mail address, the location from which you
> observed, and the date or dates when you see these butterflies. For
> evident directional migrations, please include also the direction toward
> which they seem to be moving. A rough estimate of how frequently they are
> passing through (for example, 10 butterflies over 20 minutes) would also be
> helpful, as would notes on temperature, wind speed and direction, and type
> and extent of cloud cover.
> For more information about this project and how to report your
> observations, see the Red Admiral and Painted Lady Research Site
> Select the links "Help track the 2002 North American Migrations" and "How
> to Report Your Observations." We are taking observations through e-mail
> (mariposa at at the moment, but hope to have a reporting form and
> database available soon to make reporting easier.
> We have also included maps of the progress of the large spring 2001 Red
> Admiral and Painted Lady migrations at
> Last spring, as many of you may recall, I requested springtime Red Admiral
> migration sightings from observers on Leps-L. These included both
> sightings of the first Red Admiral of the season and of migrating Red
> Admirals, mostly in the eastern and midwestern U.S. At the same time, a
> Painted Lady migration was underway in the western states, and many people
> likewise posted their observations. Many of the sightings included on
> these maps are from data you sent to me or to Leps-L last year. Now I can
> show you on these maps what the patterns of last year's migrations were
> like. Thanks again to everyone for their observations.
> If anyone else has observations from last year that they would like to
> share, please feel free to send these to us also. We will add them to the
> existing maps.
> Thank you for your time and interest,
> Royce Bitzer
> mariposa at
> Department of Entomology
> 113A Insectary
> Iowa State University
> Ames, Iowa 50011-3140
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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