ariel_petters at
Fri Mar 29 20:39:17 EST 2002
paulmattjr at (Paul Matt) wrote in message news:<b0fa637b.0203201614.5a5bacdd at>...
> rjparcelles at (Bob Parcelles,Jr.) wrote in message news:<20020320054730.47225.qmail at>...
> > Posted to leps -L on 19 March, 2002
> >
> > --- Lyn <lyn_luney at> wrote:
> > > One of my sons is reluctant to produce any good school work, and
> > > has turned into a frightful headache for the family, despite
> > > being very intelligent and creative, and a good reader too.
> > > I‘ve tried other alternatives, with psychologists, and
> > > psychopedagoges, even private teachers, but nothing seems to work.
> > > Please, has anyone a suggestion to make?
> > > Lyn L.
> >
> > My Dear Lyn,
> >
> > I feel that you might have possibably joined the wrong list. For
> > sure, you posted the wrong type of message. Well, due to the high
> > state of anziety here at this time, due to ol' Betty Swallocks recent
> > posting and emotional letdown among list members, and because not
> > nearly enough butterflies are flying, and since I am one of the more
> > genteel of this group, and certainly have been told on more than one
> > occaision that I have compassion and a real (though I am very macho!)
> > sensitivety to women and their problems; let me try to help you and
> > your dear son. There are several remedies. I assume you have tried
> > kicking his butt. I prefer a belt but some people just use their
> > hands. Never, never use your fists or you will not have to worry
> > about HIS problems for a long time. If he is approaching puberty I
> > would have a talk with him and just let the hormones flow. But it
> > sounds that he might be a little young for that; therefore, I have
> > several solutions that I guarantee to work.
> >
> > First keep him away from all types of psychologists, psychaitrists
> > and fellow travelers. These people are bad. They will mess up his
> > mind even worse than it is. As far as pedophiles they will REALLY
> > mess up his mind...especially those psycho ones you mentioned.
> >
> > The next thing to do is get him Jeff Glassberg's book on Butterflies.
> > He has one for the east and one for the west. Why do I have a funny
> > feeling you are from California? Anyway, pick the right book and get
> > him a nice pair of close-focusing binoculars (I never said
> > butterflies were free, did I?). Now Jr. might be a watcher or he
> > might want to be a collector, or both. So he will need a nice
> > butterfly net, some cigar boxes, a killing jar (be careful what you
> > put in it and teach Jr. not to sniff the fumes), next (the fun part)
> > he needs some insect PINS. There are many sizes. Get some of all of
> > them. Who knows, he might get into little moths or blues! Then he
> > needs a little spreading board or two and a relaxing jar and he
> > probabably will be set to go. Oh, I almost forgot. Jeff's book has no
> > info on the collecting side of things. He will need the Opler book
> > also. Just call my friend at Nature's Focus, Dave, he will get the 10
> > or so books and all of the equipment (except the poison, you need to
> > get that locally) and Jr. will be ready. Make sure you place the
> > order with Dave because he rewards me with a bookmark every time I
> > send him some business.
> >
> > Now as Jr. gets more involved and you take him all over California or
> > wherever, you are sure to get "hooked" on leps also. Dave can outfit
> > 2 for almost the price of one. Just get extra pins. The next thing
> > you will want to do is plant a butterfly garden in your yard. Some of
> > us have no grass just butterfly gardens. They are really neat and
> > there are many excellent books to help you and Jr. in your new
> > hobby...Lepidoptery. Jeff even has tours to take you all all over to
> > see new species. Don't worry, you will learn all of the lingo like
> > taxon, genitalia and so on.
> >
> > As you know by now there are internet groups where you can tell of
> > your experiences and learn from the experts. We experts are on
> > several of these. For right now the two of you will have all you can
> > handle with this one, beleive me. You can get every viewpoint under
> > the sun and Jr. will learn the scepticism necessary to be a real
> > scientist like Uncle Paul, Uncle Bob, Uncle Marc and Pastor Ron. You
> > will learn the importance of Monarch's and how most lepidopterists
> > like them (Uncle Paul hates them). You will learn how we save
> > butterflies when we are not out out stuffing them in our jars so we
> > can pin them.
> >
> > So Lyn, this is the entire game plan. The whole ball of wax. The big
> > skinny. If ever you need any more advice just post to Leps-List. we
> > are here to serve.
> >
> > Remmber, the family that butterflies together...stays together.
> >
> > Your new butterfly friend,
> >
> > Uncle Bob
> >
> > PS: We use butterflies at weddings, funerals and bar mitzvahs. They
> > are really great for Peace too!
> >
> Someone talked to me very enthusiastically about a book "Learning how
> to learn", in which apparently, many problems that teachers and pupils
> face constantly, seem to be easily explained away. I was interested
> and I got the book and read it. Frankly, the results are excellent: I
> have applied it in many of my courses, and pupils are already showing
> noticeable improvement in their production. Why not try it on your
> son?
> Paul M
I'm interested in this book, so please, could you tell me where can I get it?
> >
> > =====
> > Bob Parcelles, Jr
> > Pinellas Park, FL
> > RJP Associates, C2M-BWPTi
> > rjparcelles at
> >
> > "Change your thoughts and you change your world."
> > - Norman Vincent Peale
> >
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