[leps-talk] Re: Miami Blue - list or save?

Bob Parcelles,Jr. rjparcelles at yahoo.com
Wed May 1 10:17:45 EDT 2002

--- Michael Klein <keps2 at flite-tours.com> wrote:
> A very good point on listing or not.  Since the quino Checkerspot
> butterfly
> (Euphydryas editha quino) was listed in 1997, it has caused much
> heartburn
> to the development interests.  There is constant negotiations with
> the
> wildlife agencies.  Listing a species, especially invertebrates,
> could cause
> the demise of the creature instead of doing what it is suppose to
> do under
> the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and that is to recover it.  I feel
> strong
> about this since I am permitted to perform surveys for some listed
> wildlife
> and see alteration of habitat that would be normally good for
> survival of a
> particular species just so certain interests could be met.  In most
> cases it
> was not for the benefit of the protected species.  In Southern
> California, I
> believe the listing of Quino if anything showed us how little we
> know about
> invertebrates and their biology.  Yes, if certain mitigating
> circumstances
> show that existence of a species would be worse off if not
> protected, then
> by all means protect it.
> Personally I am seriously looking at one with David Faulkner for
> listing
> because its demises is possible due to the huge demand for
> development and
> fire management issues.  That is the Hermes Copper (Lycaena
> hermes).  Even
> then there needs to be compelling evidence that protection will
> stabilize
> and recover the species.  If not, I would not support a listing.
> Michael Klein
> San Diego

Thank you Michael,

I was just think as reading this that a way that all of us project or
no project could help my project and with no intention of flaming (or
inflaming) Dr. Glassberg create a little PR on why, in this case,
listing will be detrimental if not lethal to the organism being
protected. JG is a scientist but he has a dumbing down campaign that
amzes me. I think this is a positive way to keep the attention off
the public and at the same time kep the MBBP on the right track with
public support. with your permission Michael, I will cross-post this
to nature Potpourri and this will get the ball rolling. We have now
with forwards and companion listserves over 3ooo individuals reading
all or part of each day's posts around the world. Including
politicians and government level biologists. See for your self by
going to the link and see who some of the recent posts have come from

Anyway this is a very important thread for us to pursue. I just have
no time... time...


Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates & Clean Millennium Movement (C2M)
rjparcelles at yahoo.com
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