Reinventing the wheel (was BBS route backtrack)

Bob Parcelles,Jr. rjparcelles at
Thu May 2 09:23:32 EDT 2002

--- Tony Thomas <mothman at> wrote:
> At 06:18 PM 5/1/02 -0700, Bruce Webb wrote:
> >A line transect like this, with the clock ticking, will be intense
> but
> >should have better repeatability than observations in the 15-mile
> diameter
> >circle July counts. If anybody has done this before and has
> suggestions or
> >sees pitfalls, let me hear from you.  If others BBSers do this, we
> should
> >make our data available.  Who knows where this might lead?
> Take a look at Pollard, E & T.Y. Yates. 1993. (yes 10 years ago). 
> Monitoring butterflies for ecology and conservation. Chapman &
> Hall, 
> London.274 p. ISBN 0 412 40220 3

I have a suggestion. Lets encourage The International Lepidoptera
SURVEY to do just that! Tailorde to Region but set up to be
statistically acceptable take over the true counting of butterflys.
NABA's goals notwithstanding, they could keep up what they do with no
fuss, but leave the real countuing to us.

Well back to damage control.

Bob Parcelles, Jr.

Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates & Clean Millennium Movement (C2M)
rjparcelles at
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