Miami Blue ACTION!

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Thu May 2 13:40:14 EDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Neil Jones" <neil at>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: Miami Blue ACTION!

various snips

> Alternatively NABA may want to pay for it. Let's concentrate on promoting
the conservation of the butterfly and acting on that direct aim _rather_
> arguing and fighting over who is going to save it.

1) Of course NABA should pay for the fence.  They are responsible for
telling everyone to go there.   How else did the tourists from Germany know
right where to go.  How did any NABA member (like Randy Emmitt) know just
where to go.   Yes, MBBRP has mentioned the Park too - but this was only
long after the cat had been let out of the bag.  There is no reason to not
mention that which is now public knowledge.

2) Conservation and acting on that direct aim is 100% of what MBBRP has
been attempting to do and is doing.   As part of that aim we have now
learned from personal observation by our on site team that _trampling by
tourist/watchers_ is the most immediate threat to this butterfly.   IF we
had seen "poaching" at the park no one here would be diverting the focus
from _that_  problem.  All there would be are posts of outrage and ACTION.
(punitive, prosecutorial, full brunt of the law action).  Well, the result
is the same - desctuction (damage to) a breeding area and likely _loss of
life_ of Miami Blues.  Feet = shotguns.

3)  In case anyone has failed to notice, MBBRP had been and is willing to
work with anyone on this project.   We (via Anne) offered the
outstreatcched hand of cooperation directly to NABA and specifically to
Jeff -  a hand that was promotly slapped away.   This is a one sided feud.
The bully has pushed and the skinny kid is being sent to the office - what
kind of deal is that?   Listen closely,  MBBRP has been/is _fighting to
save_ the butterfly - - it is the others that are _fighting over who_ is
going to do it.  Get the facts straight.

Neil just said "Let's concentrate on promoting the conservation of the
butterfly and acting on that direct aim _rather_ than arguing and fighting
over who is going to save it."    I say, right on!  Absolutely!   So lets
get the shallow, too much time and money, world traveling,  bozoes out of
the habitat (fence or no fence), and tell some in Florida to quit acting
like a premadona and start being a team player.

There were no problems till NABA decided it didn't want to work with
collectors and  breeders (this is the real deal and we all know it), and
their core element (watchers) started trampling habitat.   Here is where I
am at.  This stupid conflict is something I/we did not ask for and do not
want.  I am close to recommending the end of all official TILS involvement.
Why?  I care nothing for who gets credit or who does what is needed.  How
TILS, myself, Bob, or C2M has somehow become accused of wanting credit or
restricting who is involved is pure crap.  (The bully threw the rock that
broke the window and is now pointing to the innocent (not to savvy) geek
standing next to him.)  Fine, if others have the best way and means to do
the job - then I/we are not needed.  I have no problem bowing out if that
is what is best for the butterfly.  Turn it over to the tramplers.  I agree
fully with what Neil says below.  I have personally stayed in the
background in the MBBRP.  The main reason I have jumped out from behind the
curtain now is that all this recent fuss is taking valuable time and energy
away from the main man, Bob, who is in charge of MBBRP.   I have come out
so he can get back to the important stuff and not fight these damage
control sessions.

When the Titanic was
> sinking I am sure that people didn't argue over who was in charge of
> arranging the deck chairs. Please let's have some positive action. All
> enthusing and chatting on the net is all very well but we need some
> The _first_ aim  _has_ to be to find out what is broken with this
> ecology, _then_ you see what is needed to fix it.
> --
> Neil Jones- Neil at
> "At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
> butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
> National Nature Reserve


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