Karner Blue

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Thu May 2 17:43:33 EDT 2002

I think there is local support for the Karner Blue, but the development
pressure on the Pine Bush (basically sandy soil with Pitch Pine and
Scrub Oak) continues relentlessly.  The reserve is a patchwork of about
7 non-contiguous polygons of varying size, most of which don't seem to
support the butterfly anyway.  The Lupine has taken a hit probably
unrelated to development, but to fire suppression and closing of canopy. 

It's surprising how numerous the Karner Blue can be when there is a good
patch of Lupine (the most accessible is not protected). 

I think the discovery of an apparently thriving colony near Saratoga is

Mike Gochfeld

"Johnson, Kurt" wrote:
> John is right that captive breeding/ release is complex esp. when a specific
> life history in a specific region is not well know.  The good news is that
> at least within "blues" in general there are good models for successful
> reintroduction protocols (Toledo Zoo re reseeding the Ohio Pine Breaks with
> the Karner Blue; same process then followed in Indiana by Nature Conservancy
> and in Ontario by Canadian group); and, at least blues are fairly easy to
> rear.  But, there are always the detailed questions of specific life
> histories and ecological situations-- e.g. whether to "seed" as eggs,
> larvae, adults, combinations etc. and where re suitable habitat for
> sustainence of a population etc.  The sub-tropical Cyclargus seem to be
> highly vagrant; this introduced another caveate into the soup.  So, yes, it
> is going to have to be some not only well thought out but tooled and
> probably re-tooled as it moves along.  But, there is a TREMENDOUSLY
> important job that the education part has to do with:  and that is the
> public's overall awareness and willingness to go to bat for a butterfly when
> business interests/land development/ money may be working against it.
> Regarding the Karner Blue this has been the real Achille's Heal.  Around
> Albany and the pitch pine savannahs there is real lack of general public
> support for the Karner Blue (punctuated only by dedicated support groups
> like "Save the Pine Bush").  More people need to "CARE" about the species;
> so, one shouldn't consider John's reply to Anne a brush-off.  Actually the
> educational/awareness work is just as important if not more so re: carrying
> the publics willingness to protect these little fellows.
> Dr. Kurt Johnson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Calhoun [mailto:John.Calhoun at SempermedUSA.com]
> Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 4:37 PM
> To: 'Anne Kilmer'
> Cc: 'TILS-leps-talk at yahoogroups. com (E-mail)'; 'LEPS-L at LISTS. YALE. EDU
> (E-mail)'; 'LEPSRUS at communities. msn. com (E-mail)'; 'Steve Bass';
> 'David Fine'
> Subject: RE: [leps-talk] Miami Blue
> Anne,
> There is a very disturbing "cart before the horse" mentality at work here.
> I really don't think you have a clear grasp of what a successful captive
> breeding program really entails! Although this may be a viable alternative,
> there are a lot of variables that must be considered.  There is only one
> known population and we simply don't know anything about it's ecology and
> what impact the removal of adults or early stages may have.  In addition,
> the population occurs on state land, necessitating permits.  This is a slow
> process, believe me.  It will not happen overnight.  If another populations
> is located on private property, great.  Until then, let's not forget that
> the state will not let a bunch of people go in and grab material for captive
> breeding.  A detailed plan would be required and no such strategy has been
> penned.
> Prior to ANY such projects, a comprehensive study needs to be conducted
> documenting the ecology of the population.  We need to concentrate on
> studying the insect and educating the public.  Not picking or spreading
> seeds of balloon-vine (a potential pest if it is not monitored properly).
> Not urging nurseries to grow and distribute large quantities of
> balloon-vine.  Not working on captive breeding programs for the butterfly.
> Moving too quickly can do more harm than good.
> We're not talking about growing milkweeds for monarchs.  We are talking
> about a fragile, endemic subspecies that may be reduced to one or very few
> surviving populations.  It deserves attention by knowledgeable individuals
> who must determine the current needs of the population and what alternatives
> are available based on that research.
> Anne, please consider this suggestion.  Your specialty is education. Please
> concentrate your enthusiasm on that strength and allow others to identify
> long-term alternatives for restoration when the time is right.  I feel very
> strongly about any direct interaction with this population.  I understand
> there is a lot of excitement involving the Miami Blue.  I think too many
> well-intentioned folks want to become directly involved in "saving" a cute
> little blue butterfly that few seemed to care about, or even knew existed, a
> year ago.  Too much attention for all the wrong reasons.  Improper decisions
> could mean disaster.
> John Calhoun
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