(leps talk) Miami Blues

Anne Kilmer viceroy at GATE.NET
Tue May 7 15:08:43 EDT 2002

Nigel Venters wrote:

On Tues 07 May 2002 , Neil Jones said:

I believe very stronnly in having a positive mental attitude.

All I was trying to state that the Miami Blue crew should take heart from
the re-introduction of the Large Blue (Maculinea arion) from a non native
subspecies living in a totally different climate....and that it just shows
you what can be done! (Not how it was done) Or don't we allow good news on
this list?

Y'all are talking at cross porpoises. Very cross.
Nigel, Neil is doing the web page for the Miami Blue project, and told 
us all about the success of the Large Blue re-introduction back in 
January. He is our friend.
Neil, Nigel is advising us on the care and rearing of various blues, in 
case that information ever comes in handy. He is our friend.
  If you have enough intelligent, well-advised helpers, are working on a 
large enough scale, and if the Gods are on your side, you can indeed 
persuade a not-yet-extinct butterfly to grace its old stamping ground 
once more. As Blues disappear because they don't wander far or explore 
for suitable territory (Mark Walker tells me), they respond to gentle 
persuasion, carefully researched. Home gardeners, commercial breeders, 
scientists, the U.S. and State governments, and other organizations have 
combined to save and re-establish the Karner Blue, and Cyclargus thomasi 
bethunebakeri can profit from their example.
Especially if people will just focus on the task at hand, instead of 
worrying about whether other people are (sigh) on track.

I'm watching a sheep dog rounding up the sheep in a pasture far below me 
... he spends much of his time running in the wrong direction, as he 
rounds them up and heads them out the gate he has in mind.
We, as Jim Kruse points out, are neither sheep nor sheep dogs, we need 
no persuasion, and our leaders need to be out in front; not out back 
rounding up strays.
Neil, I try not to model my crusades on Monty Python's characters, but 
sometimes I do feel that I have wandered into one of their films.

anne kilmer
let's toast confusion to our enemies


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