Temporal stability vs taxonomic something-or other

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Thu May 9 09:03:13 EDT 2002

Now I must disagree with Chris.  The main advantage of the vernacular names is
that they DON'T change over time and are NOT at the whim of generic revisions.
You could still call it a Sleepy Erynnis, even if the genus changes. Maybe that's
why it seems safer to use that approach with distant tropical taxa which are not
likely to be revised a second time in our lifetime.  MIKE GOCHFELD


"Chris J. Durden" wrote:

> Barb,
>     That is not a problem but an asset! Change of name is usually at the
> generic level as more is discovered about relationships; or at the specific
> level as old errors are corrected and subspecies are recognized as full
> species. I see no problem with a passage from the Araxes Pyrrhopyge to the
> Arizona Apphyrothrix if that is what the latest taxonomic opinion requires.


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