killing butterflies for fun???
Grkovich, Alex
agrkovich at
Thu May 9 09:48:33 EDT 2002
How do know it was done just for fun? Did he specifically tell the group
that he did this "for fun"?
Collecting Leps is usually hard work, and often involves a number of
unpleasant hazards, unless the collector is busy in his backyard. I think
most people who would not be doing this for some sort of scientific interest
would not be willing to come home with ticks, deer fly bites, or perhaps
worse (rashes from plants as well)
My experience is that such a thing is, at best, extremely rare. I do NOT
know anyone personally who does what you have described.
I would appreciate very much if you would just say who this person is, even
off line to me if you wish.
Alex Grkovich
P.S. Why are you telling us this? And who are you?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joseph Sugar [SMTP:josephsugar736 at]
> Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 9:26 AM
> To: LEPS-L at
> Subject: killing butterflies for fun???
> Hi butterfly lovers,
> I am new to this group and did a lot of searching to find you all. I
> recently attended an audubon meeting in my county and the speaker did his
> talk on butterflies. I went expecting to see pictures of live butterflies
> and to learn more about them.
> Instead, this guy (I won't mention his name - I don't want to get a lynch
> mob goin ;)), brought in his collection of butterflies that he killed and
> mounted FOR FUN!
> Since this is a butterfly group, I know you will be disturbed to hear
> this,
> but I was wondering if there are any laws to protect them? Can just
> anyone
> go out an kill butterflies just for the fun of it? He also had a
> collection
> of moths that had pins through them. This didn't really bother me as much
> since most of them are pests, but it would seem to me that we would have
> laws to protect some of our most beautiful creatures. What this guy does,
> and others like him, is morally wrong and I intend to turn around this
> disturbing trend that murder is okay as long as the perpetrator is having
> fun.
> Just looking for direction on where to go, and sorry if the discussion of
> dead butterflies has ruined your breakfast.
> Joseph
> _______________________________________________
> Joseph S.
> New York, The US of A
> "A man who preserves a life, saves a life.
> A man who saves a life, gives life.
> A man who gives life, is a woman."
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