Wants to connect with moth collectors

Chip Taylor chip at ku.edu
Thu May 9 11:19:45 EDT 2002

If you can help Steve, please contact him directly.

Date: Mon, 06 May 2002 10:52:20 -0500
From: Steve <scurle at hotmail.com>
Subject: local entomological organisations


I am due to have a 2 week vacation in the 'Deep South'; starting at 
New Orleans and working my way up to Memphis; swinging my way back 
through Enterprise, AL. Are there any local entomological 
organisations in these regions? I am particularly interested in the 
moth's of the area and am keen to participate on a moth night?


Steve Crle.
Monarch Watch
e:  monarch at ku.edu
w: http://www.MonarchWatch.org/
Dplex-L:  send message "info Dplex-L" to Listproc at ku.edu
p: 1 (888) TAGGING (toll-free!) -or- 1 (785) 864 4441
f: 1  (785) 864 5321
usps:  University of Kansas, Entomology Program, 1200 Sunnyside
Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045-7534


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