killing butterflies for fun???

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Thu May 9 12:32:06 EDT 2002

    If you are real (and I doubt it), and you advocate killing bugs and 
moths for the damage they do you have no ethical standing to advocate not 
killing butterflies which are "bugs" and rather specialized moths.
    Some of us collector types have a genuine respect for living organisms 
and do not exterminate pests, poison the environment or even swat mosquitos 
or step on cockroaches.
    If you are real, I suspect you are a lawyer with investments in the 
chemical industry who rarely travels to the country and had bad science 
teachers in school.
.............Chris Durden

At 11:22 AM 5/9/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Get a grip on reality????  I am trying to do the right thing here.  I am 
>trying to stop a very disturbing practice and you tell ME to get a grip on 
>Telling someone what to wear is different from telling someone not to 
>murder a living thing, dont'cha think????  We are not dealing with 
>opinion, but with right vs. wrong.  Generally, those who wish to preserve 
>life are right.  Those who take life are wrong.  I believe I have the 
>support of most Americans in this.
>And you don't have to be an expert in butterflies to know that they 
>shouldn't be "hunted for sport".  As I infered in my first post, if 
>someone has the urge to kill something, then take it out on the bugs that 
>do damage, like the moths.  But leave the butterflies, who everyone loves, 
>And Barb, in the middle of typing this, I received your bigfoot 
>message.  I seem to have stirred up a hornet's nest when all I wanted to 
>do is get some information.  I am very uncomfortable giving other people's 
>names out on the web and I'm too busy to be playing the stupid games you 


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