killing butterflies

Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX Norbert.Kondla at
Thu May 9 13:32:40 EDT 2002

Hi Joseph. You are welcome to your opinions and so is everyone else on this
list. But your comment about "getting the next generation on the right
track" is really amazing. Since I am not God/Allah/whoever omnipotent deity;
it would never occur to me that my idea of the "right track" is something to
be foisted on other people. God save us from people who think they know what
the "right track" is and that we must all walk on it. The history of human
society is full of stomach-renching tales of what has been wreaked by people
who know what the right track is -- a humble opinion from another mean
person who enjoys butterfly study :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Sugar [mailto:josephsugar736 at]
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 10:12 AM
To: LEPS-L at
Subject: killing butterflies

WOW!!  What a mean group of people I have come across!  Especially that Alex

Grxzbcvqxzvzx.  I seem to have gotten his panties in a bunch.  And don't you

dare suggest I have sex with another member on this list! I never heard of 
or met Betty Swallocks and I am sure that if she is on this list, she would 
not appreciate your comments either.  You probably ran her off, as you are 
trying to do with me.

I have also been accused of raising false concerns, not so much my concerns,

but my existence.  Once again, I do truly have a concern with the 
thoughtless and wantan killing of butterflies and it seems that my concern 
is valid in light of all the support this morally criminal action has 
already received!  This is not bait, but a true concern and your refusal to 
accept that someone would think differently than you is frightening to say 
the least.  You are afraid I might be successful in stopping your killing of

innocent creatures, so you choose to dismiss me.

I am a nature lover and avid birder who has just discovered the "6-legged 
birds".  I make my living as teacher and I suppose that is the best place to

begin with getting the next generation on the right track.  Once a person's 
eyes are opened to the beauty of butterflies he or she feels a compulsion to

protect them.  Well, those with a conscience, at least.

Do I detect some guilty consciences perhaps???


Joseph S.
New York, The US of A

"A man who preserves a life, saves a life.
A man who saves a life, gives life.
A man who gives life, is a woman."

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