A post script to killing butterflies for fun???

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Thu May 9 13:49:15 EDT 2002

> My real message here is to all the watcher groups.  These types are not
> ever going to be attracted to, join, or be involved with traditional
> lepidopterist's groups where the elements of nets and collecting are
> accepted.  They will come to your groups.  If you do not want this crap
> your face (and I mean big gooey bear sh**) then it is up to you to stop
> molly coddling these types, kick them out of your organizations and
> The failure to do so sends a real clear message to the rest of us.  That
> that your objections are only lip service and that down deep you identify
> with these sick, warped, dangerous terrorists.  Our world is filled today
> with groups giving lip service "condemnation" to radical elements while
> is clear that the fellowship of sick ideals and immoral goals is alive
> well among them all.

     In my above quoted last remarks I want to let you know that I moved
away from you specifically to a broad brush that becomes an editorial
"you".  While I stand by every sentiment expressed above, I do not, and did
not mean to say that you _specifically_ are that low in the pool of
humanity - at least I sure hope you are not.   But there are those who are
quite radical and violent and they have the exact same view that you
expressed re killing butterflies.  These need to be excommunicated till
they change their ways.  There is a big difference between being a
non-collector and an anti-collector.   Email is not the best communicative
vehicle there is.  None of us know you at all - or if you are even real

PS   When any of us send posts like yours or mine to listserves we put big
red and white bulls eyes on ourselves.  So don't dish it our if you are not
prepared to take it.   Stick around.


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