Killing butterflies

Martin Bailey cmbb at
Thu May 9 14:33:35 EDT 2002

Dear Joseph,

I imagine that you have made the choice to be or not to be a vegetarian.

I, who thank my friends for giving me vension, duck and Sandhill Crane when
in season, is just a cheapskate, (Hunting costs more than  it is worth.)
enjoys meat protein.

If you, on the other hand, feel that eating anything that what once was
alive repulsive, consider that a self-sustaining habitat was irrevokably
changed - fancy way of saying that all the original livings things in it
were destroyed - to grow your rows of corn and peas, molasses and

Yes, I agree that the frivolous killing of anything is irresponsible.  But
it ain't easy to be so certain that you know what is right or wrong.  For
example, nothing of the natural world was changed irrevokably to fatten up a
beef for the market if that one year old was left to roam on open grassland
in peace for its short, but tranquil, existence.

If you think that the study of nature is the study of the sweet and
innocent,  I suspect you would find like-minded souls at a number of other
websites and their listservers where you time would be better spent.

Martin Bailey,

greetings from:  Weyburn, SK., Canada.
                         49.39N  103.51W


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