killing butterflies for fun???

Erik Runquist erunquist at
Thu May 9 18:13:07 EDT 2002

  I really shouldn't get involved in this.  In case you are real though (and 
we've been had before), here goes...
  Is buterfly (and moth!) collecting a hobby for me and most of the people 
on the list?  Yes.  But is this a hobby for the sole joy of killing an 
insect and bragging to others? NO!!! It is a means to an end.  The ultimate 
goal is to learn about the world around us. Non-consumptive lepping is fine, 
but in the end, there are just some things that can not be learned from 
watching something (And yes, there are somethings that collecting alone can 
not tell us).  The closer we look, the more there is too see.  Many 
previously unrecogized cryptic species are arising before our eyes through 
the careful examination of COLLECTIONS. Ron and others here would agree, We 
can can not preserve what we do not know.
  I think ALL of us can agree that butterflies are powerful PR symbols and 
can greatly serve conservation.  Indeed, they have been cited in the local 
media as one of the main reasons for the recent creation of a National 
Monument here in southwest Oregon.  What if we did not know that something 
was there?  Old museum specimens (from private collector hobbyists!) have 
led to the re-discovery of "lost" populations of relictual species.  
Hands-on catching and collecting spawned and then re-ignited my life's 
passion for leps, and has done so for most life-long lepidopterists.
  Also, I think you underestimate me and the people on this list.  While 
some recent posts may be percieved as rather personal and brash, many of the 
people here are in academia and collect for science, not for personal gain. 
Please try not to sweep with broad strokes.
  Erik Runquist

>From: "Joseph Sugar" <josephsugar736 at>
>Reply-To: josephsugar736 at
>To: LEPS-L at
>Subject: RE: killing butterflies for fun???
>Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 17:06:58 -0400
>Ah, it sounds just like my classroom.  A bunch of self righteous 
>bickering because teacher said something that hit home.
>There is a HUGE difference between accidentally running over a butterfly 
>killing one for the fun of it.  There is a HUGE difference between eating
>meat (as we evolved to do), and killing butterflies for the fun of it.
>Contrary to what Alex Grx%yl says, insects were not put here for man to 
>and study.  Or vice versa.
>You (most of you) are reacting this way because you don't want to give up
>that which you enjoy - killing butterflies for a hobby.  But sometimes in
>order to evolve we need to change and the biggest change has to take place
>in the minds of people who think it is their God-given right to snuff the
>life of any creature they want just to further their own selfish little
>Non consumptive wildlife viewing is the most practical and ETHICAL!! way of
>enjoying the outdoors.  I sure hope you don't teach your children that it 
>all right to murder innocent butterflies.  If you do, then how do you teach
>them where to draw the line?  Hmmm?
>I thought so.
>And to think, I came to this site looking for help.  It seems I have found
>myself among the very enemy I hope to conquer.
>And Ron, don't worry, I can take it, although I don't believe I ever dished
>it out.  I was polite and respectful from the onset.
>PS - And bring it on, Mothra.  Godzilla's a friend of mine!
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>Joseph S.
>New York, The US of A
>"A man who preserves a life, saves a life.
>A man who saves a life, gives life.
>A man who gives life, is a woman."
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