killing butterflies for fun???

Jean Michel Maes jmmaes at
Fri May 10 15:42:59 EDT 2002


Did I lost a point ? I think a new list is not necessary. People with strong
differences of opinion can stay in the same list.
We know Joseph is against killing butterflies with some reasons.
Other people are agree with killing butterflies, we understand for study,
not just for fun.
Nobody said in the list that he loves killing butterflies just for fun.

OK. now, follow working everybody.
I know people studying butterflies without killing them, depends the group
you study. If studying more or less big ones, you catch them, take a picture
and release them. I do not know if they die after because of the surprise to
be trapped in a net... Positively, all the informations get by everyone is
interesting. The only limit in this case is the possibility of
identification with picture, I do not imagine some genero of Hesperiidae
identify by pictures, could be lost information.

Probably, with less fire, we can stay alive all in the same list. If all the
people in the list think exactly the same, the exchange will be more
academic but less human.



P.S. I didn't understand the joke about if Joseph is a man or a woman. I
feel stupid to use a pseudonym. I am a male specimen (not a macho) of the
species and a picture is available on my web page. Also some nicaraguan
butterflies pictures.

Dr. Jean-Michel MAES
AP 527 (Do not use DHL or similar !)
tel 505-3116586
FAX 505-3110126
jmmaes at (Home
(Scarabaeidae) (Odonata) (bibliografia)

----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Parcelles,Jr. <rjparcelles at>
To: <monarch at>; <LEPS-L at>
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: killing butterflies for fun???

> This is I time I KNOW Paul is innocent! another new group, Just for
> Joseph (?). NAFWA. North American Flower Watching ASSociation.
> Nice to see you back from bashing PhD s Paul.
> Bob
> PS: I am running and hiding before A KIlmer wakes up and readss my
> last male chauvinist post. Boy will her and Barb really roast me.
> --- Paul Cherubini <monarch at> wrote:
> > Stan wrote:
> >
> > > Someone commented this looks like bait. The response
> > > below does not give the impression of an innocent bystander
> > > shocked for the first time that insects on pins are not alive.
> > > The tone of the response does sound like someone familiar
> > > with this list, and possibly who has responded in it
> > > before. I wonder what the true purpose of 'Joseph' is.
> > > Stan
> >
> > I agree Stan - this is just like what happened two months ago:
> >
> >
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > From: b swallocks [SMTP:bswallocks2000 at]
> > Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 11:38 AM
> > To: leps-l at
> > Subject: You evil bastards!
> >
> > You people are really evil. You take poor sweet innocent
> > butterflies and kill them by sticking pins in them.
> >
> > You evil cruel bastards!
> >
> > Betty Swallocks
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > To add some perspective, below I have  substituted 'flowers' for
> > 'butterflies' in Joseph's post:
> >
> > Hi flower lovers,
> >
> > I am new to this group and did a lot of searching to
> > find you all.  I recently attended an audubon meeting
> > in my county and the speaker did his talk on flowers.
> > I went expecting to see pictures of live flowers
> > and to learn more about them.
> >
> > Instead, this guy (I won't mention his name - I
> > don't want to get a lynch mob goin ;)), brought in his
> > collection of flowers that he killed and mounted FOR FUN!
> >
> > Since this is a flower group, I know you will be disturbed
> > to hear this, but I was wondering if there are any laws
> > to protect them?  Can just anyone go out an collect flowers
> > just for the fun of it? It would seem to me that we would
> > have laws to protect some of our most beautiful
> > creatures.  What this guy does, and others like him,
> > is morally wrong and I intend to turn around this
> > disturbing trend that murder is okay as long as
> > the perpetrator is having fun.
> >
> > Just looking for direction on where to go,
> > and sorry if the discussion of dead flowers has
> > ruined your breakfast.
> #####################################################################
> =====
> Bob Parcelles, Jr
> Pinellas Park, FL
> RJP Associates & Clean Millennium Movement (C2M)
> rjparcelles at
> "Change your thoughts and you change your world."
> - Norman Vincent Peale
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