killing butterflies for fun???
Jorge Bizarro
bizarro at
Thu May 9 19:18:07 EDT 2002
Hi folks
Some concepts here:
The best way to assume the Universality of a "law" is by means of "nature".
Let me explain, for instance, in Brazil we have two main types of vheicles
(probably wrong spelled) beeing made: those "propelled" by gasoline, those
by sugar cane alchooll (a great killer of butterflies, those vast sugar cane
plantations!). You are free to chose what to put on them, nobody will stop
you from putting alchool in a gasoline Volkswagen motor, but.... Where did
the law came? - from a limitation imposed by the very means of "fabrication"
of the veichles: they will work better if you follow the "manual" to it
given by their "creators" (GM, FIAT, etc) .Accepting that we are creatures,
"made of" as now one as far as I know did gave life to itself, the 10
commandments are those minimal rules comming from our nature proper.
My point is that "universality" is dictated by one's inbuilt origin (sorry,
relativists!); only in that sense are God "rules" Universal, as we are His
Creation (those who have not faith, can understand this: the greeks and
Romans knew it and based Juridic Law on it, calling it 'Natural Law' - today
we're proudly positivists, each head one sentence - not really a
Judeo-Christian original ideosincrasy).
Just a point... anyway.
The trouble of our modern world is that most words have more than one
concept behind it (dear Ockham, help, please!), thanks to relativism in
part, and I never really know what one's relly is meanning. I still remember
my youth days back in the Portuguese Revolution of 1974 when people in the
Comunist Party called themselves "democratic" and any right wing party
simpathizer as "fascist" ... I ingenuously wondered why a democracy could
allow an authoritarian communist party and forbide a nazi one... couldn't
understand the "rationale" behind it.
Well, sorry if I wasted your time
----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Foley" <patfoley at>
To: "Grkovich, Alex" <agrkovich at>
Cc: "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at>; <josephsugar736 at>;
<LEPS-L at>
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: killing butterflies for fun???
> Alex, Ron and other true-believers and witnesses to the truth,
> This is not a religion list. Nor is it an anti-religion list. Most of us
enjoy a
> "spirited" discussion, but we do not need preaching.
> When you try to persuade others, you need to look for shared beliefs, not
> articles of contention. Religion is a whole morass of articles of
> and it was a wise decision for scientific societies (founded often by
> religious people) to forbid religion from scientific meetings. Scientists
> that includes lepidopterists) can agree on is the importance of developing
> testable explanations for what is going on in the natural world.
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