killing butterflies for fun???

Anne Kilmer viceroy at GATE.NET
Fri May 10 02:12:45 EDT 2002

Ron Gatrelle wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Patrick Foley" <patfoley at>
> Subject: Re: killing butterflies for fun???
>>Alex, Ron and other true-believers and witnesses to the truth,
>>This is not a religion list. Nor is it an anti-religion list. Most of us
> enjoy a
>>"spirited" discussion, but we do not need preaching.
> My references to abortion was scarcastic as Joseph had presented a
> "pro-life" posture.  I was hoping most would catch this.
> My addressing morality is because he - and lots of other people here - are
> often bringing it up.  Morality IS my business.  That word does not exist
> outside of religions implications.   It thus has no place on this list - I
> never bring it up here, I do react to it.  Everytime anyone tries to inject
> "morality / immorality"  into any aspect of lepidoptery they are injecting
> religiosity - and thus judgment and  condemnation of those who hold an
> opposite view.   This is why some posts here are so sanctimonious.
> I agree with Pat completely.  Don't give me your "beliefs" or I will
> definitely give you mine.  The problem is that some are putting up
> "religious" and "faith" based positions and they don't even know it.
> Ron

As long as you don't do it in the street and frighten the horses ... you 
are free to believe and act as you like, within the laws of your country.
I don't think any of us can post without letting others detect our 
"faith-based" positions, but perhaps these theological and 
epistomological diversions could be better pursued off list?
Ron could start a new list: God Speaks to the Lepers.
anne kilmer
theologogue and sophist


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