killing butterflies for fun???

Anne Kilmer viceroy at GATE.NET
Fri May 10 01:55:23 EDT 2002

Bob Parcelles,Jr. wrote:

> This is I time I KNOW Paul is innocent! another new group, Just for
> Joseph (?). NAFWA. North American Flower Watching ASSociation.
> Nice to see you back from bashing PhD s Paul.
> Bob
> PS: I am running and hiding before A KIlmer wakes up and readss my
> last male chauvinist post. Boy will her and Barb really roast me.

Good morning,
I am watching bats and have heard the cuckoo ...
honey, you fit right in.

Yes, I think women tend more to the mindless sentimentality that Sweet 
Joe espouses; the notion that pretty things should be excused from harsh 
I was surprised that he/she claimed to be a guy, but teachers ... well, 
you know ... they don't like to get their hands dirty. (Kidding, 
kidding, of course that's not true.)
Anyway, we all made some good points and did some great writing ... I 
especially enjoyed Dr. Foley's post, and have not yet plowed through the 
rest of them. I was happy to see that most of us came down squarely on 
the side of collectors, though there was a bit of wobbling on the notion 
"for fun". Listen, children, life is for fun, and if everything you do 
is not, in some sense, for fun, you're doing it wrong.
I'm doing the Miami Blue thing for fun, God help me.
I love Paul's Flower-watcher post, and alas, there's a lot of that going 
I think it was H.G. Wells who, asked by a visitor why he did not care 
for flowers in his house, responded: "I love little children, too, but I 
don't cut off their heads and stick them in pots around my house."
Kenelm will correct me if I'm wrong and it was Shaw or some such. I 
drift, I drift.
We were talking about synchronicity a while ago ... the notion that the 
caterpillars and the plants they feed on show up at about the same time, 
bless the Lord. I notice that the swallows, the bats and the cuckoos all 
showed up this week, and the air is full of six-legged birds of every 
The cuckoo is after caterpillars, of course. Big fat hairy ones, by 
The thrushes that are building a nest in a crotch of the big Lawson's 
Cypress have been declared Honorary Cuckoos and are being mobbed by the 
little birds. Goldcrest and Wren, Blue Tit ...
Their nest is being robbed of twigs and sticks as fast as they bring 
them up, and I put my prunings where they will be easily found.
I hang hair combings out in the roses, as my mother did, so that they 
may be used to line birdnests.
In Ireland, they used to save hair and fingernail clippings in a crevice 
behind a stone in the house wall. This is supposed to have been so that 
God would find it easy to reassemble them on the Last Day ... as if God 
might need those spare parts.
I think it's more likely that it was to prevent the local witch from 
working evil on them. The part stands for the whole, in Earth Magic.
Me, I'm pretty non-violent. I wish evil on nobody, but I do toss 
woodlice out the window, upstairs or down. A chance to fly, hey. Rare 
among woodlice, and to be recorded forever in their annals.
Anne Kilmer
Mayo, Ireland

Stan wrote:

 > > Someone commented this looks like bait. The response
 > > below does not give the impression of an innocent bystander
 > > shocked for the first time that insects on pins are not alive.
 > > The tone of the response does sound like someone familiar
 > > with this list, and possibly who has responded in it
 > > before. I wonder what the true purpose of 'Joseph' is.
 > > Stan

Paul Cherubini replied:
 > I agree Stan - this is just like what happened two months ago:


 > From: b swallocks [SMTP:bswallocks2000 at]
 > Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 11:38 AM
 > To: leps-l at
 > Subject: You evil bastards!
 > > You people are really evil. You take poor sweet innocent
 > butterflies and kill them by sticking pins in them.
 > > You evil cruel bastards!
 > Betty Swallocks


 > To add some perspective, below I have  substituted 'flowers' for
 > 'butterflies' in Joseph's post:
 > Hi flower lovers,
 > I am new to this group and did a lot of searching to
 > find you all.  I recently attended an audubon meeting
 > in my county and the speaker did his talk on flowers.
 > I went expecting to see pictures of live flowers
 > and to learn more about them.
 > Instead, this guy (I won't mention his name - I
 > don't want to get a lynch mob goin ;)), brought in his
 > collection of flowers that he killed and mounted FOR FUN!
 > Since this is a flower group, I know you will be disturbed
 > to hear this, but I was wondering if there are any laws
 > to protect them?  Can just anyone go out an collect flowers
 > just for the fun of it? It would seem to me that we would
 > have laws to protect some of our most beautiful
 > creatures.  What this guy does, and others like him,
 > is morally wrong and I intend to turn around this
 > disturbing trend that murder is okay as long as
 > the perpetrator is having fun.
 > Just looking for direction on where to go,
 > and sorry if the discussion of dead flowers has
 > ruined your breakfast.


Bob Parcelles, Jr


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