Time Management

mbpi at juno.com mbpi at juno.com
Fri May 10 20:49:27 EDT 2002


As a goil, I have a different take on your axiom: "men like to vent..."  

I think men take umbrage at what they consider a personal affront to
their "ego," which primarily revolves around their chosen profession or
"work."  Women get bent out of shape over their relationships (which men
would sooner "run from" than "vent" about...)

And for the record:  I don't consider it "venting" but rather "competing"
or trying to "score" points in their endless pursuit to WIN...be it in
sports, academics, war, sex, and yes...even topical conversation (!)  All
of you guys have stockpiled an arsenal of ammunition in the recesses of
your mind (i.e. every journal article, author and date of reference that
was ever written on your particular interest) and resort to every tidbit
of minutia that you can dredge up...much like women when they talk about
their "relationships" (!)

So "what does a 'goil' like me know about men?!  About as much as I know
about women...which is that we aren't all that different...only our
PRIORITIES differ!  (Take that home to your wife...)

Which is why I take umbrage at having to delete over a hundred emails
which amounted to nothing more than "scoring points" over "Joseph Sugar"
(who is probably ANOTHER "fake" and not worth your waste of time or

If you cared half as much about your "relationships" with others on this
listserv, you would send your rebuts to "Joe Sweet" PERSONALLY, instead
of glutting the airwaves with your competitive sarcasm...which may be
entertaining, but hardly informative.

Just my thought provoking observation...voyeur that I am (and everyone
else on this listserv)!  ;-)  

I would PREFER to spend my time more efficiently and expediently on more
worthwhile topics...

M.B. Prondzinski
On Thu, 9 May 2002 21:25:46 -0700 (PDT) "Bob Parcelles,Jr."
<rjparcelles at yahoo.com> writes:
> --- mbpi at juno.com wrote:
> > I arrived home this evening at 5:40 p.m.....
> > 
> > It is now 7:26 p.m. and I am STILL deleting all the verbose and
> > worthless
> #####################################################################
> MB, what would a mere womean know about male psych? :) Just kidding. 
> The problem is that Joseph is a woman and she is not from New york!
> How come all of our "problems" on this list are women or women
> impersonators? I thought I could understand women. Well I think I
> know who Josephine is. 
> She is very sincere about her beliefs and is trying to provoke us
> into saying bad things. Therefor, I take back the Bambi crack. I 
> quit
> hunting for deer about the same time I started hunting for people. 
> I
> think no one in their right mind enjoys killing for its own sake. 
> MB
> let us vent! Men like to vent! Thats why they go to bars and argue.
> If you have a worthwhile thread post it and we can get back to the
> real Leps business. Otherwise, watch that male psyche issue. Us 
> macho
> men are very sensitive about that. Next thing Valerie will accuse 
> me
> of "dark humor".
> bob 
> PS: You may have deleted it all but I bet you read it :)
> =====
> Bob Parcelles, Jr
> Pinellas Park, FL
> RJP Associates & Clean Millennium Movement (C2M)
> rjparcelles at yahoo.com
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/naturepotpourri
> "Change your thoughts and you change your world."
> - Norman Vincent Peale
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