Time Management

Bob Parcelles,Jr. rjparcelles at yahoo.com
Sat May 11 17:14:43 EDT 2002

--- mbpi at juno.com wrote:
> Bob,
> As a goil, I have a different take on your axiom: "men like to
> vent..."  
> I think men take umbrage at what they consider a personal affront
> to
> their "ego," which primarily revolves around their chosen
> profession or
> "work."  Women get bent out of shape over their relationships
> (which men
> would sooner "run from" than "vent" about...)
> And for the record:  I don't consider it "venting" but rather
> "competing"
> or trying to "score" points in their endless pursuit to WIN...be it
> in
> sports, academics, war, sex, and yes...even topical conversation
> (!)  All
> of you guys have stockpiled an arsenal of ammunition in the
> recesses of
> your mind (i.e. every journal article, author and date of reference
> that
> was ever written on your particular interest) and resort to every
> tidbit
> of minutia that you can dredge up...much like women when they talk
> about
> their "relationships" (!)
> So "what does a 'goil' like me know about men?!  About as much as I
> know
> about women...which is that we aren't all that different...only our
> PRIORITIES differ!  (Take that home to your wife...)
> Which is why I take umbrage at having to delete over a hundred
> emails
> which amounted to nothing more than "scoring points" over "Joseph
> Sugar"
> (who is probably ANOTHER "fake" and not worth your waste of time or
> breath...)
> If you cared half as much about your "relationships" with others on
> this
> listserv, you would send your rebuts to "Joe Sweet" PERSONALLY,
> instead
> of glutting the airwaves with your competitive sarcasm...which may
> be
> entertaining, but hardly informative.
> Just my thought provoking observation...voyeur that I am (and
> everyone
> else on this listserv)!  ;-)  
> I would PREFER to spend my time more efficiently and expediently on
> more
> worthwhile topics...
> M.B. Prondzinski
> On Thu, 9 May 2002 21:25:46 -0700 (PDT) "Bob Parcelles,Jr."
> <rjparcelles at yahoo.com> writes:
> > 
> > --- mbpi at juno.com wrote:
> > > I arrived home this evening at 5:40 p.m.....
> > > 
> > > It is now 7:26 p.m. and I am STILL deleting all the verbose and
> > > worthless
> >

I always let women have the last word.

but the good thing is you did not DELETE me! :)

Love and kisses, 


PS: Heqq Joe. Llove and kisses to you tto

Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates & Clean Millennium Movement (C2M)
rjparcelles at yahoo.com
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