They're here !!!

Guy_VdP at Guy_VdP at
Tue May 14 14:44:11 EDT 2002

What do you actually teach, Joseph ?
(I still find it hard to believe you're real)


PS: Both of these butterflies are still alive (I hope) - they are
migrant butterflies that come to the north of Europe (and likewise on
the North American continent) every summer. They are both incapable of
surviving winter here, V. atalanta overwinters around the
Mediterranean, V. cardui comes from N. Africa, near the borders of the
After the summer, some (hard to tell, even after years of
investigation) make their way back to the south (the offspring of the
ones that went north). In Europe, this is a rough trip, as they have to
pass the Alps, Pyrenees or other mountains on their way. The weather
can change abruptly, which may cause all of them to die.
But in the south there always remain enough of them to start a new
generation, which next spring will start its journey north again.
A female can lay several hundreds of eggs, of which only a few will
survive. Several will be eaten by birds, ants, wasps, some will just
die from disease, some will be parasitized by small wasps (their larvae
live inside the caterpillar - sometimes a hundred in one caterpillar!),
and some ended up in my collection. But I read about them, know how
they live (have you ever reared caterpillars ?) and can tell you about

And what point was that anyway ?

Joseph Sugar schrieb:
> >Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyyyyaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh !!!!!! 
> >I'm going to have some fun, Joseph !! 
> Thanks for proving my point. 
> Joseph 
> _______________________________________________ Joseph S. 
> New York, The US of A 
> "A man who preserves a life, saves a life. 
> A man who saves a life, gives life. 
> A man who gives life, is a woman." 
> _______________________________________________ 
> >From: Guy_VdP at (Guy Van de Poel & A. Kalus) 
> >Reply-To: Guy_VdP at 
> >To: "LEPS-L Discussiegroep" >Subject: They're here !!! 
> >Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 09:09:46 +0200 
> > 
> >Yesterday morning (13 may), in the vicinity of 
> Schriesheim, ca. 12 km north  
> >of Heidelberg, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, I saw my 
> first Vanessa atalanta  
> >in this neighbourhood. 
> >The day even got better, as in the evening I saw a V. 
> cardui, more or less  
> >same locality (about 5 km west, into the Rhine valley). 
> >And they brought good weather as well. After some years 
> of rain (so it  
> >seams), the sun is back again. 
> >Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyyyyaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh !!!!!! 
> >I'm going to have some fun, Joseph !! 
> >( }:-) 
> > 
> >Guy. 
> > 
> >Guy Van de Poel 
> >Guy_VdP at 
> > 
> >Royal Entomological Society of Antwerp 
> >
> tml  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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