Butterflies on Fort Hood, TX

Ryan rvandermoor at shaw.ca
Tue May 14 15:50:03 EDT 2002

Sorry for the crossposting.

Well I am back from my gand adventure to Texas!  I have never been to
Texas before, so this was a first visit.  I was very impressed with Austin,
what a beautiful city.  The U of Austin was very nice as well.  Spent the
first two days and last night in Austin.  Saw a few butterflies in Austin,
mostly on University property.  Hairstreaks and Skippers mostly... the
majority of the time was spent in Kileen.... and our surveys of course were
done on Fort Hood.  Met many wonderful people from The Nature Conservatory.
The general atmosphere around the Fort was quite different from the only
other military for I have been on (Fort Huachuca in AZ) Alot of military
personnel seemed to always be in a good mood. Even dancing and singing at
the main gate.  It was also quite different to be out surveying butterflies
while tanks roam around, helicopters fly overhead and hummers constantly
stream by.  On the Fort we sampled a variety of habitats:

       Open meadow
       Mesa top
       Golden Cheeked Warbler Habitat
       Black Capped Vireo Habitat

 We came across a total of 37 species of butterflies.  Apparently
butterfly pops are quite low due to the drought this year.  Maybe there will
be a chance to go back in the fall and re-sample.  In any event the
butterflies encountered are in alphabetic order and as follows:

(please ignore any spelling mistakes, as im sure there are a few)
p.s. the dates I was there were may 3-11 with surveys from the 5th-10th

       Altides haleus
       Anaea andria
       Asterocampa celtis
       Asterocampa clyton
       Callophrys gryneus
       Calycopis isobean
       Colias cesonia
       Colias eurytheme
       Colias eurytheme alba
       Copaedes auriantiacus
       Danaus plexippus
       Dion vanillae
       Erynnis funeralis
       Erynnis horatius
       Erynnis juvenalis
       Euphyes vestris
       Euptoieta claudia
       Eurema lisa
       Eurema mexicanum
       Everes comyntas
       Hemiargus isola
       Junonia coenia
       Leptodes cassius
       Nathalis iole
       Nymphalis antiopa
       Papilio cresphontes
       Papilio glaucus
       Papilio polyxenes
       Phyciodes phaon
       Phyciodes tharos
       Polygonia interigationis
       Pyrgus communis
       Satyrium calanus
       Strymon melinus
       Vanessa atalanta
       Vanessa cardui
       Vanessa virginiensis

Ryan Vandermoor
Vancouver, Canada
rvandermoor at shaw.ca


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