Killing MOTHS for fun ;>)

Anne Kilmer viceroy at GATE.NET
Wed May 15 15:41:45 EDT 2002

jh wrote:

> Joseph - I winced when I first saw the subject heading, thinking here we 
> go again, but I saw you were having some fun yourself.  I notice that 
> you are from New York.  There is a nice website showing a variety of 
> moths (undead, just the way you like 'em) in New York.  The site is 
> called the Mulberry Wing - go to  Maybe 
> some of them are what you were seeing at your home.
> John Himmelman
> BTW - to the rest of you, I just got an email with a tag that is even 
> better than Joseph's somewhat confusing message -
>                       "Paperclips are the larval stage of coat hangers. 
> (origin: Avram Davidson)"
> Got a smile out of me.

As I recall, the coat hanger was the pupa, and it grew up to be a 
bicycle. The story explained a lot of peculiar phenomena we've always 
wondered about.
I grow old. I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.

There is a spider over my bed that drops nicely spread tiny moths, which 
then I put in weeny Riker mounts and display in a doll's house. I guess 
that makes me a collector. As Shaw said, Madam, we have established what 
you are; now we're dickering about the price.
I am happy that Joseph has lightened up, some, and wish he could have 
stood with me at the Dead Zoo in Dublin, and watched the children 
admiring the butterflies and moths in the collection. Their plan was to 
go out next and look at some live ones; not to go kill some and make 
collections themselves.
And if they had, you know, that would have been all right, too. You 
can't chase them and catch them and keep them without loving them.

The point of a butterfly is to make more caterpillars. once you grasp 
that, then you can rise above the sentiment and do some good to the 

Get out there and plant a butterfly garden, Joseph, with your students; 
get up close and personal with those winged wonders (there will be moths 
too, and wasps, and tree frogs ...) and it will all start making sense 
to you.
Anne Kilmer


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