Andrew Brower
browera at
Mon Nov 4 14:57:08 EST 2002
Hi Bill et al.,
Cynthia resurrected by W. D. Field (1971, Smithsonian Contrib. Zool. 84)
cardui, kershawi, virginiensis, altissima, braziliensis, terpsichore,
myrinna, annabella, carye
Vanessa ss. is for atalanta, tameamea, samani, indica, dejeanii
Bassaris ss. for itea and gonerilla
Lately, the monophyly of Vanessa + Cynthia + Bassaris has been
supported by molecular and morphological cladistic analysis by Nylin et
al (2001, Biol. J. Linn Soc. 132:441-468), although they do not have an
opinion on whether the clade should be one genus or three.
Andy Brower
Bill Yule wrote:
> Hi all. I notice some workers use the generic concept of Cynthia
> for the so-called "Painted Ladies" rather than the more inclusive
> Vanessa. Can someone give be a brief idea of the generic concept
> Cynthia and how it differs from
> Vanessa?
> Thanks,
> Bill Yule
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