Moth Diversity
Tony Thomas
mothman at
Thu Nov 21 09:50:03 EST 2002
This is a repeat of a message I posted in August this year, for those of
you who may have missed it.
Reprints of both are still available.
Hi Lepslisters:
Copies of my second publication on moth diversity are now available:
Thomas, A.W. 2002. Moth Diversity in a Northeastern North American Red
Spruce Forest. II. The Effect of Silvicultural Practices on Geometrid
Diversity (Lepidoptera: Geometridae).
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service - Atlantic Forestry
Centre, Information Report M-X-213E. Fredericton, New Brunswick. 25 p.
includes 10 tables, 5 figures, 7 images of live geometrids, and an appendix
listing the 169 species and their occurrences in 8 traps in 4 forest plots
near Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
Copies of the first publication: "I. Baseline Study", Thomas, A.W. 2001"
are also availble.
If interested, send mailing address and indicate which copy(ies) you would
like. Single copies of each are free.
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