Anne Kilmer viceroy at GATE.NET
Mon Nov 25 08:00:53 EST 2002

Allow me to share this invitation with TILS and Leps-L members, and 
Entomo-L members with the assurance that if you get this two or three 
times, that's how much we want you to join us.
Tom Emmel tells us that we will see Miami Blue butterflies on this 
expedition. Benji Brumberg, Ombudsman for Florida's Department of 
Environmental Protection, has gathered all forces behind a common 
banner, under Tom, and we have united to create a restoration project 
designed to put the Miami Blue (Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri) back in 
its historical habitat (half of Florida, for Heaveh's sake) and create 
habitat for other rare and endangered butterflies.
Y'all come.
Anne Kilmer
Miami Blue Crew

Brumberg, J. Benjamin wrote:

> Greetings everyone.  I am optimistic that December will prove to be an
> important month for butterflies in Florida.  
> This is to confirm that the first (annual?) butterfly safari, led by David
> Fine,  will be starting at Bahia Honda State Park at 10AM on December 14th.
> This morning, Pete Scalco of Recs & Parks has offered complimentary admission
> to all of you who are joining in expedition.
> It is my understanding that joining us may be representatives from USF&WS,
> FWCC, DEP's Recs and Parks Division, NABA and possibly others.
> David is planning some interesting stops as we head north through the day.
> If anyone is left standing at the end of the day, I'd like to let you know
> that I will be dining at a well-know Ft. Lauderdale Diner (Rainbow
> Restaurant)at 7 or 730PM.  Doug is staying at my home that with me that night
> so there's gonna be at least two of us!
> Please carry my cell phone # with you so that we can stay in touch if you get
> lost or want to meet up with us later in the day.
> Exciting times.
> Benji
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Benji Brumberg, Ombudsman
> Office of the Ombudsman
> Florida Department of Environmental Protection
> 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS #49
> Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000
> Tel: 850-245-2118 
> SunCom 205-2118
> Fax: 850-245-2128
> Cell: 850-509-0996
> benji at dep.state.fl.us
> j.benjamin.brumberg at dep.state.fl.us
> http://www.dep.state.fl.us/secretary/ombud/
> To subscribe to the MBBRP group, and join the Miami Blue Crew, send an email to:
> MBBRP-subscribe at yahoogroups.com


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