Glassberg's books

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Sun Oct 20 14:09:39 EDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: <mbpi at>
To: <gatrelle at>
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: Glassberg's books

> The biggest problem I have over all this "belly-aching" over the
> air-waves is that NONE of you feel the slightest bit inclined to DO
> something about RECTIFYING what you consider a "travesty" to the
> understanding of Lepidoptery to the uneducated masses (such as Glassberg
> has undertaken), but would much rather receive "strokes" from in-kind
> individuals who DON'T require being "courted" to your way of thinking...

I was not going to respond to this post till I got to this point.  But
before I address the above...   I like opionated people.  I think everyone
should feel stongly about something and that that something should set an
agenda in motion.   I respect the energy and focus Glassberg has in
furthering his agenda.  I just disagree with it some major parts of it.  I
like Mary Beth because she is honest and speaks her mind.

Now to the above.   I take exception to this as _  I. _ and TILS have done
and are doing a lot to "rectify" the dumbed down and anti-science of
NABA/Galssberg (people who continualy want to seperate these two have their
head in the sand).   I will mention just two items.   I personally spent
hundreds of hours (and 45 years of acumulated knoweledge) in compiling the
SC-NABN list of common names at our TILS web site   This list provides many times the
information of the NABA names list.  MANY times.  It was assembled from
names already on "the books" and the input of regional people who
contributed (and continue to contribute) via the site's "comments" link.
Any beginner (first leps exposure) who peruses the NABA list and takes its
title etc at face value will think that it is "complete"    The real deal.
But once they go to the SC-NABN list they find the real deal, and the NABA
list is manifest to be a mere shadow of the taxa found in the US/Canada
_and_ the common names that are already in existence for them.  Then there
is our TC-ISBN list (which is frustratingly slow in going on line due to
our web master) this is compiled by Harry Pavulaan - but the taxonomic
alignments are research literature based and not his own "views".

Second, we started the TILS-leps-talk and TILS-moth-rah list serves.  While
leps-talk only has 182 subscribers and moth-rah 92,  those two lists dwarf
leps-l and many other lists in number of posts and quality of content.
Sure, we get into off topic and silly stuff at times but there is good
reason why the "traffic" is now over on leps-talk and not leps-l.
Leps-talk is a place to learn some more in-depth aspects of lepidoptery.

(Leps-talk was the idea of Harry Pavylaan.)
Subscribe:  TILS-leps-talk-subscribe at
Subscribe:  TILS-moth-rah-subscribe at

Now, there is always the possibility that I misunderstood what Mary Beth

Ron Gatrelle


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