Glassberg's books

Stanley A. Gorodenski stanlep at
Mon Oct 21 20:06:14 EDT 2002

It is unfortunate that creationism is an integrated part of leps-talk.
Early on I had joined the list, but the list owner, you Ron, started
interjecting your own religion of creationism. For that reason I
unsubscribed. I had hoped the introduction of creationism was an early
aberration that had disappeared, and so I was considering
re-subscribing. My hope did not bear fruit. Because of principle I
cannot associate myself with something that is the antithesis of my view
of the world and universe.

It may be that leps-l will wither away, but for me it represents science
and the joy of a hobby that is not tainted with religious views, and for
that reason I will continue to subscribe to it. I hope other individuals
of like mind will do so also.


Ron Gatrelle wrote:
> The collecting vs. watching debate is not off limits.  Same for creation
> vs. Evolution or monarch scam vs. monarch crisis.   Strong opinions are
> Thank you mom and dad but I am grown up and moving out on my own.  Thank
> you Leps-L you were great.  We have now moved out on our own.  Enjoy
> retirement.  We'll visit once in a while.


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