Glassberg's books

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Sun Oct 20 23:13:03 EDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stanley A. Gorodenski" <stanlep at>
Cc: <LEPS-L at>
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: Glassberg's books

> Ron,
> I have nothing against leps-talk and moth-roh, but why do these two
> surpass leps-l in quantity and quality? It would seem the reverse should
> be true because leps-l has been in existence longer than the other two
> sites. There is a possibility that more of the science types belong to
> these two. However, a lot of the posts I have seen in leps-l are pretty
> good quality. Is it because the other two are moderated, whereas leps-l
> is not? Or is it that it's just a matter of time until they suffer the
> same fate as leps-l (assuming what you say is true about leps-l)? The
> silly off topic stuff you mentioned may be the seed of these two list's
> demise, as some of the same types of things was leps-l's demise (in a
> relative sense, assuming what you say about leps-l is true).
> Stan

Appearing stuck up or snooty about one's own self (or thing) is something
that is a turn off to just about everyone.   At the same time if one does
not promote their own product (this is why we write glowing resumes in
looking for employment - and spiffy sales adds for our products) we can't
expect others to do it for us.

Two things occurred about the same time just a tad over a year ago.   Harry
Pavulaan suggested that TILS start its own Yahoo chat group.  The second
thing was that there were complaints about me here on leps-l because my
posts were tooooo long and tooooo many.  I was also tooo pro collecting and
no big fan of "butterflying" - too controversial.

So we started the TILS list serve for everyone - but especially those who
were interested in taxonomy and were pro collecting.   As owner/moderator I
was free to post as long and about any subject I wanted.  Within a few
weeks Harry and I were amazed at how many people were signing up - we never
expected that.   Then, it began to be obvious that more post were being to
submitted to leps-talk than leps-l.  Posted by people who were on both
lists.  I eventually got so many emails in my box from the various lists I
was on and normal personal email that I needed to drop something.  So I
unsubscribed from Leps-l for a long time.  (I still checked the archives
every few days to see what was being discussed).  I am a compulsive talker
and I knew that if I was subscribed to a list I would end up posting and
needed to take the bottle out of my hand - unsubscription.

Leps-l has been around for years.  I do not know why there is now so little
traffic on it now - but I suspect it is because it is too general.
Specialized lists and regional list serves are what people are more into
these days.  (Moth-rah is an example of this.  It is for moth enthusiasts
only.  I rarely post there myself as I don't "do" moths.)   It is not my
responsibility to revitalize leps-l.  The top month at leps-talk was two
months ago when August had 647 posts.   So far this month we are at 175.

Leps-l does not even have half the number of posts even though it has about
40% more members.   We indeed have a good bit of chit-chat on Leps-talk,
but many threads are quite involved.  We consider the group a good mix of
pros and new comers and make every effort to insure that all "understand"
the pro talk and "appreciate" the novice items.  I pretty much insist that
all names be given in both scientific and common names at the first mention
of a taxon (species) in our posts.  Most follow this even though it is a
pain to look up and type names one is not used to using  - on either level.

The collecting vs. watching debate is not off limits.  Same for creation
vs. Evolution or monarch scam vs. monarch crisis.   Strong opinions are
encouraged.   We just insist that it be kept polite.  "That is a stupid
position" is allowed.   "You are stupid" is not allowed.  "Sorry, not
meaning to offend, but I find your position reallllly stupid."  is perfect.
Our group is moderated by me, but I have never had to exercise that
function.   So far, everyone has had a good instinct as to when to "let it
drop and move to something else."

But the main thing, the strength, is the positive topical dialogue about
any number of aspects of Lepidopterology.   Stan said, "I have nothing
against leps-talk and moth-roh, but why do these two surpass leps-l in
quantity and quality?"   The above is a stab at why. The reality however,
is that leps-talk has many time the traffic - and my opinion, not to offend
any die hard Leps-l loyalists, is that I find leps-l stupid. :-)   NO JUST
KIDDING.  REALLY.   I will restate my assessment.  There was a time that
Leps-l was all there was.  All the specialist list serves have put it out
of business.   Regional lists, watcher/naba lists,  collector lists.   All
of us can only handle so much email.

Thank you mom and dad but I am grown up and moving out on my own.  Thank
you Leps-L you were great.  We have now moved out on our own.  Enjoy
retirement.  We'll visit once in a while.

VA leps
Southwerst Leps
Mass leps
carolina leps
(many more of the same)
NABA interactive
UK leps


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