Magna Est Leps-L

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Tue Oct 22 04:47:22 EDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: <MexicoDoug at>
To: <Leps-l at>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 12:01 AM
Subject: Magna Est Leps-L

This is my last post before I unsubscribe  - and likely get back on some
months later ;-).  This groups definitely brings out the worst in me.
Actually, I think it brings out the worst in a lot of people.  Probably the
fact that it is totally unregulated and no one can actually be banned has
something to do with that, who knows.  As you say Doug, in your list of
names folks, there are people who either not here anymore or not posting
for some reason.

> It is a tribute to Leps-L that I am not even sure who some of these
> suppoet Lepsters are.  I sometimes even miss the posts of Paul, Neil &
> Swallocks, Ron's, and on another level where are the Rick M.'s, Anne K.'s
> others who used to post frequently.  And nice folks like Bob Pyle and
> Taylor, Andy Warren, Charlie Covell, other past and present officers of
> LepSoc, NABA, etc. (Doug Y., Hans S., Wanda D., etc., etc.)  R.I.P. and

I am one of those past officers of Lep. Soc. by the way.  Paul, Neil, Anne
are all still here.  I don't know about the others.

> ...That is the beauty of
> this ciber niche, it doesn't seem to depend on any one person, group of
> persons, personal, political or religious agenda.  And it almost has an
> active international following.

This group may be a lot of things, but open minded and tolerant is not one
of them.  There are some really offensive things I was tempted to say in my
last post and also in this.   The reason I am holding back is because a
number of listers here are also subscribed to leps-talk and I do not want
to offend them in the process.  While that is not "my" list, I am moderator
there and try to hold myself back in areas - as I see myself as a host to
guests there.

 Rev. Ronald R. Gatrelle


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